

The teaching Pack INNOVATIS - MINI helicopter is based on a model helicopter, designed to fly indoors and very clever design. Students will identify the scientific principles in connection with its operation and simulate its behavior from the evolution of an input or output parameter. Helicopters are mounted on three models that facilitate the implementation of the different activities. In addition, they will discuss the new skills of the program such as: the societal, the normative dimension, the aesthetic dimension as well as the environmental dimension dimension. Resources varied, which inter alia describe developments in the aircraft, complete the study subjects.
Modelling under SolidWorks, ISIS ® PROTEUS ®, Flowcode ®.


Three models of study:
  • Support with axis of rotation for behavioural study.
  • Mast and balance mini precision to apprehend the vertical thrust.
  • Model of measuring consumption to validate the autonomy of the battery.
  • Three mini helicopters. (photographed and supplied mounted on models)
  • Three remotes.

Pedagogical, technical folders and resources on CD Rom